Friday, June 29, 2012


Like Najib, Rais has a penchant to play with the finger (s). It's finger licking good. Well he has a beautiful wife taller than him. So, Rais has to put on the cap to camoulage his height.

Rais is a survivor. Benih yang baik mana dicampakan akan bercambah jua . Obtained his PhD during turmoil time.

He is the only Semangat man who made it good to the top. In politics he is well horned. Vintage.
He has dreams to be at the topmost? Does he has the substance? A very busy man now running a a mega portfolio.

He has his share of hiccups. The latest being tor-tor dance (L) of the Mandailing. There is no valid reason to declare it  a heritage for Malaysia. It is an import brought along by a minority group from Sumatra Utara province.

Could Kuda Kepang of the Javanese, Cak Lempong of the Minangkabau and other dances be also eligible for heritage?

In the early days of corporatisation, Mahathir told Samy Velu (who was beside him at the urinals) 'everything big you want to corporatise!' Well, it was a much heard joke then. This is analogous for Rais declare whatever culturally beautiful as heritage.

Provinsi Sumatra Utara designates the Tor tor dance as its herigae. The mandailings come from the south western tip of Sumatra Utara (opposite the figure).

Apparently, each provinsi in Indonesia has its own ragam sosial budaya as exemplified below.

Rais, a man of vintage wants to show that he is a man of heritage himself! His writings depict this.

Rais b Yatim. 1976. Undang-undang Adat Perpatih: common law and equity – satu analisa perbandingan. JPSM N Sembilan 3:9-19, 22-4
1996a. Sirih pulang ke gagang pinang pulang ke tampuk. Utusan Malaysia 5 Ogos 1996
1996b. Beranikah akhbar menegur? Utusan Malaysia 24 Sept 1996
1996c. Politik wang: mampukah dibanteras? Utusan Malaysia 17 Okt 1996
1997a. Perlukah agenda Melayu? Utusan Malaysia
1997b. A peep at illegal immigrants in Malaysia. Gombak Rotary Club address 29 May 1997 Federal Hotel 1997c. The age of the common man: politics under Mahathir. Asian Editor Aug 1997
1997d. Present day applicability and enforcement of Adat Pepatih in Negeri Sembilan. Customary Lay Seminar 10 June 1997 Kuching
1998a. Pembaharuan diri UMNO. Utusan Malaysia 3 Mac 1998
1998b. Penghayatan perjuangan asas UMNO. Persidangan Penghayatan Perjuangan anjuran UMNO Bahagian Jelebu 23 Mac 1998
1998c. Politik wang: bolehkah hapus? Majalah Massa Jun 1998
1998d. Peranan veteran UMNO. Utusan Malaysia 11 Jun 1998
1998e. Cabaran kepemimpinan – antara batasan dan realiti. Forum anjuran UUM 14 Okt 1998
1998f. Singapura menghina lagi. Mingguan Malaysia 27 Sept 1998
1998g. Apabila ditahan di bawah ISA. Berita Harian 1 Okt 1998
1998h. Politik musyawarah ganti politik konfrantasi. Majalah Semasa Okt 1998
1998i. Etika diplomasi ASEAN diabai. Utusan Malaysia 28 Okt 1998 1998j. Pemecatan seseorang Menteri. Utusan Malaysia 11 Nov 1998
1998k. Hak asasi manusia dalam perundangan. Sem Ceterawara 1998 – Dunia Tanpa Sempadan: Retorika Undang-undang 11 Dis 1998 UIAM
1999a. Ketelusan dan akauntabiliti. Utusan Malaysia 11 Feb 1999
1999b. Internet serang kerajaan. Utusan Malaysia
1999c. Mengejar keadilan atau nak jadi PM. Mingguan Malaysia 11 Apr 1999
1999d. Budaya saman-menyaman & fitnah implikasinya terhadap kehidupan moden. Dewan Masyarakat Jun 1999
1999e. Berkatalah angka. Era Baru 19 Jun 1999
1999f. Melayu lawan Melayu. Majalah Era Baru 16 Jun 1999
1999g. Agama rasmi dan politik agama. Mingguan Malaysia 11 Julai 1999
1999h. Antara perletakan jawatan dan perlucutan jawatan. Utusan Malaysia 3 Okt 1999
1999i. Siapa sebenarnya keracunan. Mingguan Malaysia 16 Okt 1999
1999j. Some aspects of Malaysian fundamental liberties. Paper presented at Law Fac 3 Nov 1999 UM. Also 2nd Malaysia-Australia Conf 24-26 Nov 1999 Nat Univ Australia Canberra
1999k. Politik dan guaman. Mingguan Malaysia 8 Nov 1999
1999l. Pendirian orang Melayu menghadapi pilihanraya. Dewan Budaya Nov 1999
1999m. Mahasiswa dan cabaran menjelang 2020 – antara idealisma dan alam nyata. Intisari ucapan di UPM 10 Jun 1999
1999n. Pembangunan dan pengagihan kekayaan. Cabaran lama dalam menghadapi alaf baru. Sem Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Perpaduan Nasional: Realiti Cabaran dan Harapan 20 Apr 1999 UM
1999o. Perjuangan budaya masih kabur. Dewan Budaya Ogos 1999
1999p. Bahasa Melayu dalam cabaran. Utusan Malaysia 10 Jan 1999
2000. Zaman Beredar, Pusaka Bergilir. Endowment Publ, P Jaya 316hlm
2004. Jelebak-Jelebu – Corat-coret Anak Kampung. Dawama

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Diamonds are for ever. The surest way to a woman's heart.

Being a self-proclaimed first lady she has them plenty of diamonds but wants more. PERMATA, for  RM111.1 million of Petronas money, for the elite. This source need to be guarded,

Thus, Petronas diSidekan oleh Najib. Also, good for both Pahang men to further delay PRU13. There is enough flak already to cool down.

There will more time for us to prepare for the Mother of All Bersihs, Bersih 5. Spittum red.

Berkins are the next next choice to the woman's heart. Is it?

Me think, shoes are better, not bags. The high heels ones are sexier. But they are for sexy people not plump ones.  The heels will break and down she fell.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Prepare for Bersih 5, the Mother of All Bersihs. Redder than ever. Bloodier red. Red T-shirt. Red bandana.

The spittum red. Lips red. Toungues red. Chew the sirih and the spittum for Bersih 5 will be red.

Prepare your chewable sirih. A slice of betel nut and gambir  rolled in a lime coated daun sirih.

Practice spitting to the furthest with the deepest breathe. Hit the target whom you think should be.

Chewing sirih is a common pastime of Indians, Malays, various ethnics of Sarawak and Sabah, Orang Asli. It is becoming less common now.

As the song goes "Sekapur sirih, seulas pinang ...."

L:  "Sirih balik kejunjung"  the saying goes.

There are two types of sirih - sirih kampung and sirih keling. The latter has bigger, softer leaves and yellowish in colour, less pungent.

L: An antique sirih box (tepak sirih) with containers for betelnut, lime, gambir all of silver.

During the days of the Malacca Sultanate, a list of people was kept as to who were entitled to receive the sultan's sirih box.

An intricate silver betelnut container dated 1717 belonging to Tunku Kamariah of Kelantan royalty (L).

Sorry for the diversion into the cultural stuff!

When is the day of reckoning for the Mother of All Bersihs? It should be sometimes before PRU 13.

As to where to gather and spit the spittum, the foremost place is Petronas Twin Towers. Why? Petronas diSidekan oleh Najib.

As to other main gathering points for the spittum - Putrajaya, Pekan, Jelebu, Kota Tinggi, Permatang Pauh, Seremban, Rembau, Malacca, Padang Rengas, Kota Bharu, Jelutong, Mukah, Kuching and everywhere else deem fit.

The one who spit the spittum furthest and most accurate will be given a handsome prize.

One more thing, don't use too much betelnut unless you want to get high!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Dimanakah dana Gunung Zakat yang telah terkumpul semenjak sultan Melaka yang pertama, Sultan Iskandar Shah aka Parameswara yang memeluk Islam? Sehingga hari ini sistem zakat terutamanya dari segi pengagihan dan ketelusannya masih diragui ramai. Sering kita dengar negeri itu dan ini bangga mengtuip sekian jutaan.

Sekiranya pengagihan zakat dijalankan dengan bijak tidak ada papa kemiskinan di Malaysia.

Pada teorinya sistem zakat elok dikoperatkan supaya lebih kemas, adil dan berkesan. Tetapi makin lama makin dikeparatkan oleh koperat yang ditugaskan.

Duit zakat digunakan untuk kelab bola. Bukan setakat itu sahaja tetapi untuk VVIP!

Kiri: Seronok dan gemok-buncit bos2 pengurusan zakat ni.

Bacalah seterusnya keratan Berita Harian dibawah.

Pernah dulu saya membayar zakat melalui Pusat Zakat Wilayah, KL. Pada satu tahun mereka mengirim kad Hari Raya. Saya tulis surat kapada mereka apa perlunya hantar kad pada hal duit yang dizakat itu untuk fakir miskin.  Diketahui kemudian pada tahun tersebut 10,000 kad telah dihantar bermakna anggaran RM20,000 telah  dibazirkan.

Semenjak insiden tersebut saya telah ubah strategi 'membayar' zakat terus kapada pihak2 yang memerlukan samaada individu atau institusi/badan amal seperti Muslim Aid, Palestinian Fund dsb. Moga Allah redhai.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Ibrahim Mahmood (2nd L), was a student of Darul Ulum (1968), Deoband, India, a graduate of al Azhar subsequently of Tripoli, Libya. Hence, he became to be known as Uztaz Ibrahim Libya when came back to Kedah to start his madrasah in June 1978 and carry out dakwah.

To him Malaysia is not an Islamic state enough.

He was probably a misunderstood man by many especially the government machinery and political masters, UMNO-BN. He and 13 of his supporters were killed in the shoot-out at his Madrasah Islamiah Diniah Kg. Memali, Baling on 20 Nov. 1985.  

A year before that, 2 Sept 1984 to be exact he was clammed with Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) 1960. Apparently, the Kedah UMNO assembly, 1984 proposed that Ibrahim to be arrested.

Many of Ibrahim's ardent followers, a few probably armed with shotguns kept vigil day and night of the house-madrasah. The police could not arrest him. Ibrahim had willingly surrendered his shotgun to the police.

Confrontation between Ibrahim's followers and FRU before the shoot-out (L).

FRU and police cordoned the madrasah (L). The PAS symbol showed "Semalaysia".

Now Najib uses 1Malaysia!

Ibrahim's fanatical interpretation of surrender was only to Allah. No two ways about it. Not to ISA. He was always talking about syahid. "Daripada hidup bercermin bangkai, lebih baik mati bergalang tanah" he

Such a stand was a tactical and emotional error on his part for the government was not up to forcing to leave his religion to take such a fatal stand.

The temper and emotions after more than a year of standoff crippled the minds of Ibrahim Libya and his followers and the authorities to end in bloodshed. Apart from Ibrahim, 13 of his followers died (syahid according to kampung people and PAS) and 4 of the police.

The government has all the time, means and resources at its disposal to end the matter in a humanly bloodless manner.

Whos hands are bloodied - Mahathir being the PM though out of the country during the incident, Musa Hitam being DPM and acting PM, Home Minister, Chief of Police, VAT69 commandos who went for the attack, Kedah MB, UMNO, PAS themselves?

Is UMNO-BN paying for the blunder of the Memali Massacre? Then let Kedah be PAS.