Thursday, December 31, 2020



Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) masa Khairy menterinya. Siapa kebas? Bila tengok Najib kebas bilion ramai turut. High income economy kata Najib penyamun. 

Siapa perembat2? Apa jadi kapada mereka? Semra diam. Kamikup.

Friday, December 25, 2020


 (Reproduced of blogpost 3rd January 2013)


Ungku Aziz debunked the lazy native connotation.

At work at Pantai Morib. 

Working closely with Prime Ministers. 

Setting up Lembaga Tabung Haji, Kooperatif Nelayan, Angkasa ...

His writings:

1951. Some aspects of the Malayan rural economy related to measures for mobilizing rural savings. United Nations, New York

1957. Survey of five villages in Nyallas. U.M.
1962. Facts and fallacies about the Malay economy in retrospect with new footnotes. Ekonomi Dec 1962
1963. Rencana-rencana Ekonomi dan Kemiskinan. Pustaka Melayu, Singapura
1964. Poverty and rural development in Malaysia. Kajian Ekonomi Malaysia, 2, 7
1965. Poverty, proteins and disguised starvation. Kajian Ekonomi Mlaysia 2(1)
1968. Agricultural development and economic development in Malaysia. In: The Structure and Development of Asian Economics. Japanese Econ Res Centre, Tokyo 
1974. Footprints on the sands of time: the Malay poverty concept over 50 years from Za’aba to Aziz and the Second Malaysia Five Year Plan. Paper presented at Malaysian Economic Convention, K Lumpur

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Oghang kato jangan kahwin jando Bonggali, dah molohau.

Baik cari jando bini yang koompek. 

Monday, October 5, 2020


Hj Rosli Baharom membabi-baruakan menteri2


Kami dari Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru SK Permatang Jang__s, Pulau Pinang menuntut agar EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Kedah memohon maaf kepada semua ibu bapa dan guru-guru SK Permatang Jang_ _s kerana sikap tidak bertanggungjawab sehingga menyebabkan hampir 600 pelajar dan guru mengalami kesusahan. 
Sebagai EXCO Kerajaan Negeri yang merupakan pemimpin utama negeri Kedah beliau sepatutnya menunjukkan contoh dan kuarantin diri beliau setelah pulang dari Sabah berkempen untuk kerajaan Perikatan Nasional. 
Namun, setelah pulang dari Sabah, beliau bertindak mementingkan diri dan tidak membuat swab test sebaik pulang. Kejadian ini menyebabkan isteri beliau yg merupakan guru di sekolah kami positif. 
Kami menuntut permohonan maaf rasmi dan bayaran pampasan kerugian kepada pihak pelajar dan guru SK Permatang Jang_ _s oleh *YB EXCO Az_ _n Nas_ _din*. 
Tindakan beliau yang tidak bertanggungjawab menyebabkan anak-anak kami merana dan mengalami kesusahan. Mereka tidak boleh meneruskan pelajaran dan terganggu kehidupan. 
Kami jugak mendesak agar isteri YB Az_ _n Nas_ _din dikenakan tindakan tatatertib kerana tidak mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. 
*PIBG Sek Keb Permatang Jang_ _s*

(rujuk: OSTB)

p/s. You bastards little Napoleons, MOH. What the fuck!

Sunday, October 4, 2020


Trump-hating teenager trolls her famous mom for catching Covid

Although Claudia Conway is still a couple of weeks short on her 16th birthday, the teenager’s calls upon older Americans to go out and vote in the presidential election are getting widespread attention.
Below is her viral Instagram with the vote woke message. Err, yes, the bikini blonde is indeed Claudia who looks older than her age.
Claudia is even bigger on TikTok where she has almost one million (981,000) followers. After taking a break from her Twitter account, TikTok became Claudia’s preferred platform to publicly disparage her mother Kellyanne Conway.
Kellyanne, who until recently was President Trump’s White House counselor, resigned last August citing ‘family’ reasons. On Aug 23, Claudia had called her mother “selfish” and tweeted that Kellyanne‘s high profile job “ruined” her (the teenager’s) life.

(extracted from Helen Ang)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


19 (Maryam):29. Maka dia (Maryam) menunjukkan kapada (anak)nya. Mereka berkata, "Bagaimana kami akan berbicara dengan anak kecil yang masih dalam ayunan?"

19:30. Dia (Isa) berkata, " Sesungguhnya aku hamba Allah, Dia memberiku Kitab (Injil) dan Dia menjadikan aku seorang Nabi,

19:31. dan Dia menjadikan aku seorang yang diberkahi dimana saja aku berada, dan Dia memerintahkan kapadaku salat dan zakat selama aku hidup;

19:32. dan berbakti kapada ibuku, dan Dia tidak menjadikan aku seorang yang sombong lagi celaka.

19:33. Dan kesejahteraan semoga dilimpahkan kapadaku, pada hari kelahiranku, pada hari wafatku, dan pada hari aku dibangkitkan hidup kembali."

19:36. "Dan sesungguhnya Allah itu Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu. Maka sembahlah Dia. Ini adalah jalan yang lurus."

Saturday, September 26, 2020


This is the epilogue of "MINISTRY OF HEALTH PLAY GOD" posting on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2019

Multiple myeloma is a rare form of blood cancer. My wife was diagnosed with Stage 4 of the disease 8 years ago. She undergone chemotherapy treatments for the first four years at Ampang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, and then at Hospital Raja Perempuan Bainun (HRPB), Ipoh until succumbed to the disease on 11 November 2019 aged 67. 

The haematology and other specialists from both hospitals tried their very best and exhausted the range of chemo drugs to treat her.  Apparently the drugs worked to some extent killing and retarding growth of the cancer cells but not to cure. This was evident otherwise my wife could not survive that many years. 

I was practically embedded in the hospitals at Ampang and Ipoh taking care of my wife for all those years. Seeing the doctors' dedication, patience, and understanding in treating her and other patients suffering of different cancer types I have come to the conclusion that the doctors especially and the nurses generally are the primary movers of the nation. Night is day and day is night is their schedule of work. The public sometimes can be insensitive and quick to complain that doctors are not attending patients early enough.

To all the doctors and nurses that took care of my wife I am greatly indebted with no means of paying them back. May God bless them with success and good health. 


When the cancer cells became very aggressive and unresponsive to  current drug treatment the specialist at HRPB recommended the use of Darzalex, a new drug that has been around for for a couple of years. 

Early October 2019 - sent letter of application  to MARDI to pay for the expensive drug - RM12,800 for each dose of 2 vials to be administered  by injection for a number of times. The drug is supplied by MS Ally. Time was not on our side knowing the approval would take time. We decided to pay up-front for the Darzalex and get reimbursements from MARDI (my former employer) later, and MARDI has to get approval from the Ministry of Health (MOH). 

5 November 2019 - MOH response to MARDI's request for approval to procure Darzalex.

6 November 201 - my beloved passed away.

27 January 2020 - MOH approved use of Darzalex.

2 February 2020 MARDI received approval letter of MOH

Mid February 2020 - letter  from MARDI informing me for the  go ahead to obtain Darzalex from supplier. 

What I want demonstrate here in this case is that MOH's bureaucratic administration is fucked up with little Napoleons play god. They are indignant of the value of life and urgency. For your arrogance and makan gaji buta may you get your dues. Kamikup.

Death is certainty in Allah's domain. And we, humble humans do not know when death will overtake us. Realising that we have to persevere to be healthy and do good. 


He will put Malaysia at risk being a time bomb.

Thursday, September 17, 2020



ROSMAH Mansor mempunyai kira-kira 40 cybertrooper untuk menyebar propaganda politik di media sosial, kata saksi pada perbicaraan rasuah membabitkan isteri bekas perdana menteri Najib Razak itu, di Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Bekas pembantu Rosmah, Rizal Mansor, yang juga saksi utama pendakwaan, mendedahkan blogger Papagomo turut berada dalam pasukan cybertrooper itu.

Pasukan itu ditugaskan untuk memantau kandungan kritikal atau persepsi negatif terhadap Rosmah di media sosial, kata Rizal.

“Ada tiga atau empat ketua dalam pasukan dan mereka ini termasuklah Papagomo, Parpukari, The Unspinnsers. Ketua pasukan ini dibayar RM5,000 sebulan. Saya boleh berikan senarai lengkap nanti.

“Selain mereka, ada kira-kira 12 hingga 15 blogger dan kira-kira 30 Facebooker,” katanya ketika disoal balas peguam bela utama Jagjit Singh.

Tambahnya, mereka yang ditugaskan untuk menyebar propaganda di Facebook dibayar antara RM1,500 hingga RM2,000 setiap bulan, manakala blogger pula dibayar RM3,000 sebulan.


Perak Man aka Orang Perak to rise from from Lenggong Cave angry that his ancestral land is corrupt ruled by hooligans.

Perak Corp Bhd (PCB), which holds 60% Perak State Development Corporation’s (PKNP) assets in midst of winding up operations
PCB dragged to court several times after defaulted loans from banks
  • PCB borrowed RM520m from banks 
  • to invest in Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS) 
  • additional RM200m  borrowed to pay contractors
  • All these loans in default
  • group’s total assets RM742.273m, total liability RM751.361m 
  • state govt kept matter secret, hid it from public 
  • in 2012 PCB had cash of RM200m and assets RM1.2 billion
  • including 243 hectares land in Meru Raya, 243 hectares in other areas 
  • now group cash balance RM27,806 and lost half asset value 
PCB has until Oct 23 to settle debt or go into receivership
High Court granted 90 days from July 23 to comprise with creditors
If receivership then MAPS, Hotel Casaurina Meru, Lumut Port, lands will be auctioned
discussions between state and foreign investors on selling Lumut Port 
Loans borrowed during BN administration 
MB Faizal said PCB is currently under PN17 

adapted from OSTB

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Zahidi is a Timbalan Menteri. The face shows a fakeness.

GLOBAL UNIVERSITY, Northern California jugak pilihan dia.

Global University ni tak ada pengajian MBA (Master in Business Administration). Jika dirujuk kepada websitenya di, jurusan yang ditawarkan hanya dalam bidang BIBLE dan THEOLOGY (Christian education).

Dalam bahasa lainnya, Global University hanya untuk melahirkan paderi dan pastor kristian!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Den tengok gamba2 mak itam dalam blog kau tolanjang bulat montok punggong eh naik sorham pun ado naik sheikh pun ado. Boto kau bulih mencanak laie? Koreh macam meghiam. Ado pulak oghang kato dah longlai. Itu sobab e bolo anjing bukan botino. Mano satu? 

Dah terhikut BLM (Black Lives Matter) ko tunjuk gamba mak
itam tu? Gamba BLM kek sini tak ado ko?

Diam kek kubo cino kek mano kau gesel. Dah pueh ko 20 tahun menyurok kek nogori oghang putih. Kek mano sodap - sydney ko, brussel ko, amsterdam ko, paris ko. 

Marhah yo kek nogori cino sobab apo? Tak merhaso kongkek cino doll kek Shanghai ko? Abam pueh sampai tak sodar jam hilang.

Ewah dulu bukan main cium jubo Abam. Ni dah bonci pulak. Lamo kek lua nogori dulu Abam ado boghi duit ko nak hidup?

Kok ado menuntut ilmu sakai tahan 2 jam tu borhi lah tau. Janganla kodokut nak makan sorang. Duduk dalam hutan sonang jo main colah2 somak tu.  On ajo.

Ado on ko kek Jando Baik? Kasi on lah Nurul jando tu.

Noneh Sarawak memang bosar pado noneh MD2.  

Sepo pulak ni sakai hoi! Bokomban yo.


In the last two centuries, our haste towards development  and progress have resulted in widespread degradation of the earth’s ecosystem. Improper disposal of industrial and domestic wastes have polluted the soil, water, and air. In certain parts our atmosphere is partly blanketed with greenhouse gases which trap the deflected sun rays and prevent them to escape.  Land denudation, deforestration, diminishing biodiversity, burgeoning population, and not to mention wars further add to the earth’s crisis. Global climate change is a clear example of the sum effect of man’s negative follies on the ecosystem. Equitable climate means survival for all living things and preservation of the non-living.

To face the environmental challenges on the ecosystem, organisations at various levels - internationally, nationally, communally, and individually are taking remedial measures  sustainable ecosystems. Malaysia is promoting going green (biodiesel, biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture), renewable energy use (solar and hydro power), cutting down plastic use, and waste recycling. 

Agriculture is the mainstay of this country. The practice of sustainable agriculture is viewed to be of utmost importance for economic production for the long term.  It hinges on optimising the use of resources  of the ecosystem - water, topography, fertility, weather, pest and diseases to match with arability of the crop(s) to be grown. The use of modern and appropriate technologies must go in tandem in all aspects of production, processing, and marketing.  Agricultural pollution could be minimised by judicial use of fertiliser and pesticides for example. 

In organic farming (OM) system, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not applied in the growing of crops. If used at all it will be minimal and under unavoidable situations. This environmental friendly approach is one of the ways  towards sustainable agriculture. However, it is intensive in terms of labour especially may not be suitable for large scale agriculture.

Nature farming (NF) is another approach towards sustainable agriculture. It is less intensive. The concept is to adapt crop and/or animal husbandry to the inherent  characteristics of the land. It is to harness and merge the latent energies of the diverse elements in the system to productive use. Biotic factors such as root competition, plant growth habit, storied and shade effects, animals, and abiotic such as weather, soil condition, rocks that persist in sub-ecosystem are taken advantage in the interplay and relationships they may have - neutral, synergistic, symbiotic, antagonistic. The use of diverse plant species from ground cover to tall trees to beneficial use means that it is a sort of disorganised mixed farming of the wild. However, there is order in the disorder. Also, NF is perhaps an advanced form of traditional agriculture with basic scientific concepts applied.  

The oil palm, the most efficient converter of the sun’s energy to edible oil is a good  candidate for nature farming that shows intricacies of man-animal-plant-environment relationships and energy flow. From the start, if the area is bushy with small trees, just clear (with bulldozer) the planting row and plant the oil palm seedlings. The lining may not be accurate to our liking but good enough. Within a couple of years the young palms will overshoot the tops of the bushes. The vigorous fibrous root system can cover a wide area and would soon overwhelm the root systems of lalang and grasses around it. Within three years the lalang and other undergrowths will be overshaded by the palm fronds and die off. The small trees can be gradually cut down or pollarded. If there are buffaloes grazing in the area they will help to clear the wild grasses and vines and make walking paths. They will however munch the shoot and leaves of young palms. Being fast growers, the palms will recover with new cycle of leaves and stunting is minimal. Buffaloes will scare away snakes in the area and make it safe to work. If there are muddy pools the buffaloes would wallow in them to cool off.  Their droppings add fertility to the soil that benefit the earthworms and plants. They attract leeches that suck human blood to give the ‘bekam’ effect if one gets bitten. It is a pleasant sight to see egrets land on the backs of buffaloes doing a favour looking for ticks. Monkeys and wild pigs deprived of their original habitats would pick fruits from  the low bunches.  Their tracks result in the area around the base of palm clear  allowing easy access for harvesting. Those animals deserve a share of the harvest. Cabbage from unwanted non-bearing palms can be harvested and cooked. Fresh leaves and pellets made from the fronds provide feed to goats, sheep, and cattle.

As a plantation crop, the oil palm has been much criticised for environmental destruction by the west. They may have a point. It is the planters to be blamed. At any scale of operations, riparian reserve should be left undisturbed to allow water catchment and wild animals to live. The mega FELDA Lahad Datu oil palm scheme left nothing for orang utan haven.  It has caused irreversible damage to the riverine system, biodiversity, environment, and people inhabitants of the jungle.

Monday, September 7, 2020


Osah tak soda dighi ponyamun bangsat ni. Bobaik dongan Trump konon nak tolong ekonomi Amerika topi niat sobonar nak kobeh Fort Knox tompek simpan omeh dio oghang. Nasib baik FBI/CIA boghitau Trump sepo dio lanun bugis tu! 

Kalau kat Amerika ada Teram Kat Mesia ada Bossku. Sama penyamun Sama penipu. Sebab tu Bossku boleh pergi mengadap Teram nak bantu ekonomi Amerika pakai duit rakyat Mesia. Apa susah, bukan duit bapak dia. 

n.b. President Roosevelt proposed to build a gold vault at Fort Knox, Kentucky in 1935.

ubahsuai: tukar tiub
gambar: sakmongkol

Sunday, September 6, 2020


Asal den Minangkabau masok ponoh, Suku Munkal. Bilo masok sotongah oghang asli jadi biduando macam TT. 

Yo lah maso dulu oghang botino tak ghamai ado oghang Minang tak tahan geselnyo  oghang asli klua biduando.

Topi den dah jadi Molano somonjak lahir sobab bapak Molayu omak Cino. 

Melanau kek Sarawak tu Melayu campo apo pulak? Ontah.

 Ada 12 suku yang ada di Negeri Sembilan. 
12 suku tersebut ialah:

Batu Hampar - Mungkal - Sri Lemak
Paya Kumboh -Tiga Nenek -Sri Melenggang
Batu Belang - Tanah Datar -Anak Acheh,
Anak Melaka -Tiga Batu

Suku Biduada orang asal. Yang lain adalah suku pendatang. 

Negeri Sembilan pada asalnya didiami oleh orang-orang asli daripada suku kaum Sakai, Semang, Temuan dan Jakun. Mereka hidup berpindah randah, memburu, mengutip hasil hutan dan ada yang mula bertani.

Pada permulaan abad ke-14 Masehi orang-orang Sumatra dari Tanah Minangkabau mulai tiba di Negeri Sembilan melalui Melaka dan sampai ke Rembau. Orang Minangkabau ini lebih bertamadun daripada Orang Asli ini dan berjaya memujuk hati orang Asli. Dengan itu berlakulah nikah kahwin antara orang-orang Minangkabau ini dengan penduduk asli dan daripada keturunan mereka dinamakan suku Biduanda.

Suku -suku lain tiba kemudian dan dinamakan suku mereka dari tempat yang mereka datang.

Dari suku Biduanda inilah asalnya pembesar-pembesar Negeri Sembilan yang dipanggil Penghulu dan kemudiannya Undang. Sebelum wujudnya Yang DiPertuan Besar, Negeri Sembilan adalah di bawah naungan kerajaan Melayu Johor.

Ketibaan Raja Melewar dari Pagar Ruyung, Minangkabau pada 1773, memulakan institusi beraja di Negeri Sembilan.

Suku Biduanda salah satu suku dalam penubuhan Negeri Sembilan.


Gambar tahun1913

Holding Institution :Univercity of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre

Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Hakim menetapkan 23 September untuk mendengar permohonan penghakiman terus LHDN serta permohonan Tengku Adnan untuk menangguhkan prosiding.

“Saya bagi dua minggu… jika tiada penyelesaian, saya harus meneruskan kes ini. Kes ini sudah cukup lama,” kata hakim.

Berapa juta dalam perut yang menteneng (buncit seolah bunting).

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Build the Ark under Our supervision and as We reveal and do not address Me concerning the wrongdoers. They shall be drowned. " Hud (11):37

He began to build the Ark and every time some nobles of his people passed him by, they ridiculed him. Hud (11):38

So when Our command came, and water bubbled up from the earth, We said, "Load into it a pair of every species, and your family - except for those against whom the Word was preordained - and all who believe." But those who believed with him were only few. Hud (11): 40

He said, "Embark in it. In the name of Allah be its voyage and landing! Truly my Lord is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Hud (11):41

It sailed with them through mountainous waves, and Nuh called out to his son, who had kept himself apart, "My son! Come on board with us. Do not stay with the disbelievers!" Hud (11):42

It was said, "Earth, swallow up your water!" and, Heaven, hold back your rain!" And the water subsided and the affair was concluded and the Ark came to land on al-Judi. And it was said, "Away with the people of the wrongdoers!" Hud (11):44

Sunday, August 23, 2020


For more than two decades years I have been keeping the Visitors' Book of the Tourist Promotion Association of Cameron Highlands. The book is in good condition though pages punctured by earwigs. The TPA office then was a small half circular building by the roadside, on the right side as one enters Tanah Rata from Tapah. The building still stands as a tourist information centre but no visitors' book. What a pity!

Most of the foreign visitors to Cameron Highlands were expatriates working in Singapore. Local visitors were few in number.

July 1963 visitors
5.7.63 (first entry): Brig. & Mrs. E.J. Denholm-Young. Singapore
6.7.63:  T. Fukumori  c/o Marubeni-IIDA Co Ltd.  Crosby House, Robinson Rd, Singapore 1
6.7.63:  T. Nihei, c/o Hitachi Ltd, Chow House, 140-142 Robinson Rd, Singapore 
6.7.63:  A.L. Fuchs. Forchheim/Otr., Germany
8.7.63:  W.C. Rhodes. 10 Brockhampton Drive, Serangoon Garden Estate, Singapore 19
8.7. 63: H.E. Talalla. No 3 Lorong 5/13H, Jalan Chantek, P. Jaya      
9.7.63: W.J. Loop. Saiburi Christian Hospital, Saiburi, Pattani, South Thailand
10.7.63: G.R. Maber. 12 Jalan Lakum, Seletar Hills Estate, Singapore 28
10.7.63: A.J. Harby. 45 Jalan Ketumbit, Seletar Hills Estate, Singapore 28
10.7.63: S.E. Jensen. 47 Holland Road, Singapore 10
10.7.63:  Mejor and Mrs Q. Cr. Fleming. Terendak Camp, Malacca
11.7.63:  Mr. & Mrs Nietzman. 51-K Nulmy Rd, Singapore
11.7.63: Captain G.R. Gathercole. 84 Surrey Squadron, Royal Engineers. c/o Lands and Survey Department, Kuching, Sarawak 
15.7.63: Mr & Mrs Michael Thorpe. Nanyang University, Singapore
15.7.63: Dr & Mrs Senger Wiesseman: 1 Bangkok Sanatorium & Hosp of SDA, c/o GPO Box 613, Bangkok, Thailand
16.7.63: Mr & Mrs W.C.D. Nash> 6, Bukit Ayam, Singapore
17. 7.63: Sgt & J. Spanholz. 106-D, Oxley Rise, Singapore
17.7.63: Mr & Mrs Brozier. 496/16 Upper East Coast Rd, Singapore
17.7.63: Cpl. R. While. No 6 M.Q. Troop, 237 Signal Squadron. c/o GPO Singapore
18.7.63:  Major B.P. McCuroy. HQ FARRELF c/o GPO Singapore
19.7. 63:  Dr & Mrs Ariffin Marzuki. General Hospital, Ipoh
22.7.63: D. Hosking: Port Moresby, Papua New Giunea
22.7.63. G.H. Skeat. 29A Orange Grove Rd, Singapore
22.7.63:  Mr and Mrs D.J. Penrose. 5 Toh Heights, Changi, Singapore
22.7.63: Mr and Mrs D.J. McLacklan. 27, Parbury, Singapore
23.7.63: Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Coyle & children. Djl. Pnapantja Raja, Djakarta, Indonesia
24.7.63:  Fg. Off. P.S. Condie P.M.R.A.F.N.S. Nursing Officers' Mess, R.A.F. Changi, Singapore 17
24.7.63: Fg. Off. A.J. Cooke P.M.R.A.F.N.S. Nursing Officers' Mess, R.A.F. Changi, Singapore 17
24.7.63: J.A. Grant. Sungei Gerong, Sumatra, Indonesia
25.7.63:  Mr and Mrs R.W. Richardson. ESSO Oil Co., PTSI Sungei nGerong, Palembang, Sumatra 
30.7.63:  Dr. J.J. Nossim. Univ of Singapore
31.7.63:  J.D. Gingsby & family. Australian Trade Commission, Singapore
31.7.63:  K. Williams & family. Naval Base, Singapore
31.7.63:  Sqn Ldr & Mrs B.J. Fry. R.A.F. Changi, Singapore 17

p/s. Cameron Highlands is nostalgia to me - was attached to MARDI Station, Tanah Rata in 1973 (8 months) as Research Assistant, later 1990-1996 as Research Officer.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


And Lut, when he said to his people, "Do you commit an obscenity not perpetuated before you by anyone in the worlds? You come with lust to men instead of women. You are indeed a depraved people." The only answer of his people was to say, "Expel them from our city! They are people who keep themselves pure!" 7(Al-A'raf):80-82

When Our messengers came to Lut, he was distressed for them, and very concerned for them and said, "This is a dreadful day." His people came running to him excitedly - they were long used to committing evil acts. He said, "My people, here are my daughters. They are purer for you. So have fear of Allah and do not shame me with my guests. Is there not one rightly-guided man among you?" They said, "You know we have no claim on your daughters. You know very well what it is we want." 11(Hud):77-79

They even wanted to seduce his guests! So We put out their eyes: "Taste My punishment and warnings!" Early morning brought them enduring punishment. 54(Al-Qamar):37-38

When We rescued him and all his family - except an old woman among those who stayed behind. Then We utterly destroyed the rest.  37(As-Saffat):134-136

We unleashed a sudden squall of stones against all of them, except the family of Lut, who We rescued before dawn. 54(Al-Qamar):34

When Our command came, We turned their cities upside down and rained on them stones of hard-baked clay, piled on top of one another in layers, each one earmarked by your Lord. 11(Hud):82-83

So the Great Blast seized hold of them at the break of day. We turned the place completely upside and rained on them stones of half-baked clay. 15(Al-Hijr):73-74


Malaysia's greatest liwat.

Kucing sudah bertanduk.


Siri ku uli kote kau.

Kes belum selesai member kepala gangster.

Jalur on.