Monday, August 29, 2011


Yusof Islam is the founder of Muslim Aid. Based in London it is a worldwide charity and welfare service provider to the dire and needy under day-to-day or calamity situations. It seeks donation for funding of its activities.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Kemerdekaan tanpa keamanan tidak memberi erti. Menjaga keamanan bukan tugas polis atau tentera semata-mata tetapi semua rakyat.

Kerap polis dituduh berlaku kasar waktu menangani demo-rusuhan tetapi bolehkah kita menunggu kerosakan berlaku baru tindakan keras diambil?

Kesabaran apabila dicemoh-maki oleh perusuh ada tahapnya. Langkah pencegahan perlu dijalankan sebelum angkara meletup. Teruja nak ayun belantan. Ayun ajalah. Belasah ajalah.

A. Letupan bom dan rusuhan 1985 di K. Kinabalu dan Sandakan, Sabah:

Kota Kinabalu, kereta dibakar perusuh dan usaha menyelamat sedang dijalankan (L). Kereta digeledak bom (R).

Perusuh2 ditangkap (L & R)

B. Sebelum Semangat 46 dibubarkan, semangat demo berkobar2. Bekas ahli Semangat 46 mantan PM yang licik bermuka-muka.

Ada lagi peristiwa2 rusuhan yang lebih dahsyat yang polis/askar terpaksa tangani - Mei 13, 1969; Anwar dipecat; Hindraf. Yang terbaru Bersih.

Colonel A.E. Young, bekas Commissioner of Police, Perseketuan Tanah Melayu menyematkan badge "Sedia Berkhidmat" keatas uniform mata-mata, @ 1954.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I do not recall when and where I bought this book "Folk Tales of Malaysia" by Zakaria Hitam (1979).  A bout of viral cough caught me for the past week (it is the season they say) and picked this 117-page book to read and past the time of Ramadhan.

There are 17 short tales in the book that include such as Hang Tuah, Princess of Mount Ophir, The black rice of Padang Maksirat, Si Jalak's advice, and The Sultan turned thief.

"The Sultan turned thief"  illustration (L).

Si Jalak's advice" is a fairly roundabout tale about a sultan who was taught by  Raja Ular the language of animals. He is not supposed to pass the knowledge to anybody otherwise he will die. His wife insisted to learn at whatever cost. Ad verbetim below is the ending part of the story which I have entitled it as in the above post.

"...the male lizard answered, 'If our beloved Sultan did not grant Tuan Putri's request, nothing would happen. If we simply follow the whim and fancy of women, why should we pride ourselves as men.' ...
... the Sultan sat on the veranda of the palace. He was trying to think what to say to his unyielding wife. In the courtyard, he saw Si Jalak, the cockerel chasing a number of hens, hither and thither. While chasing, he clapped his wings and crowed, several times 'ko-kek-kok-kok'.
Hearing the cockerel crowing so gaily, Anjing the dog shouted, 'Hey there! It appears to me you are a very ungreatful animal. Don't you know what today is the day our beloved Sultan is going to tell Tuan Putri the secret of the language of the birds and beasts? This evening he will die. Therefore, do not try to have so much fun when our Sultan is in danger of his life.'
When Si Jalak heard what the dog said, he stopped crowing. He faced the dog, 'You seem to be foolish as our Sultan. Just see what I am doing. I have forty wives, but none dare oppose me. In fact I am the monarch of all I survey and none disputes my right. If our Sultan is clever he will keep a cane with him. When Tuan Putri asks to know the language of the birds and beasts, he should strike her with the cane. He should strike her hard and at the same time tell her that if she wanted to die, let her die. Tell her that if she died, he would marry another. If that is done, Tuan Putri will never try her stunt again.'
The dog was glad to hear Si Jalak's opinion. 'What you said is very true. The Sultan should follow your advice.'
The Sultan was even more glad to hear Si Jalak's advice. He got up and took the donkey's whip and placed it near him. Soon afterwards Tuan Putri came out and approached the Sultan. When she was close Tuan Putri said, 'My Lord. It is now time for you to teach me the knowledge how to understand the language of the birds and beasts. Please therefore begin.'
When he heard Tuan Putri's demand, the Sultan got up. He pulled out the whip and struck Tuan Putri's back. The he said, 'If you want to die, you better die. I will not teach you the knowledge of the language of birds and beasts. If you die, I will marry again. If I teach you the knowledge, I will die. If I die you will marry another man. Therefore, it is better that you die rather I.' He struck her once again.
Tuan Putri cried from pain. Soon afterwards she kissed the Sultan's feet and begged his pardon..."

N.B. The above tale has no bearing on any individual, dead or living!
I have to pick up other books for the dry cough is still troubling me even after taking antibiotics and all. There will more to tell.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Darurat (Emergency) menentang komunis telah diistiharkan pada Jun 1948. Peperangan gurilla berterusan sehingga tahun enam-puluhan. Dari tarikh tersebut hingga Jun 1951 bilangan polis yang terkorban di seluruh Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ialah:

Polis biasa (Regular Police) 360 anggota
Polis khas (Special Constable) 431 orang
Polis bantuan (Auxillary Police) 75 orang.
Tercedera  831 orang kesemuanya.

Dalam tempoh yang sama bilangan gurilla kommunis yang tebunuh ialah 2,184 orang, tercedera dan tertangkap 172 orang, tertangkap 633 orang, menyerah diri 553 orang.
Orang-orang kampong diberi latihan menggunakan senapang patah, berkawat dan organisasi sebagai Home Guard.

Masa darurat kawasan Tronoh adalah antara sarang kominis. Tronoh tereletak dalam Kinta Valley yang dulunya terkaya dengan biji timah.

Kini pekan Tronoh ibarat "sleepy hollow" dengan tiga baris kedai2 lama mencukupi untuk membekal keperluan harian. Ipoh hanya 20km ke utara. UTP dan UiTM berdekatan arah ke Lumut.

Balai Polis lama, Tronoh (L) dan tempat pound (R).

Dalam Balai Polis  terdapat papan peringatan senarai anggota yang terkorban semasa awal darurat. Tarikh hitam 12.8.51 dimana enam orang polis terkorban di Reyland Est di kawasan Parit.

                                             Tarikh                       Tempat
SGT Rukun Din                     9.8.48                      Siputih
PC Suhan Singh                     24.8.48                    Kg Prah
SC Mahamud                        31.10.48                  Bota Rd
SGT Abu Bakar                    6.1.50                      Kamuning Jawa
SC Darmadasa                      25.3. 51                   South Bali
SC Halim                              4.8.51                      Sadang Estate
SC Halim                              4.8.51                       Sadang Est
CPL Shahabudin                  12.8.51                      Reyland Est
PC Nayan                            12.8.51                        "
PC Shaari                            12.8.51                         "
EPC Shahid                         12.8.51                         "
SC Arshad                          12.8.51                          "
SC Othman                         12.8.51                          "
SC Abdul Aziz                     24.3.52                        South Bali

Polis, dalam menjaga keamanan negara kalanya menempah nyawa sendiri seperti dalam darurat. Masa aman menghadapi banyak cubaan selain daripada perompak, ada demo dan rusuhan.

Ayun ajalah belantan tu!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011




Thursday, August 11, 2011


Abu ‘Abdullah, the last Khalif of Granada, Andalus (Spain) was fleeing in exile to Morocco in January 1492. The mother of the Khalif scolded his son, “Do not weep like a woman for what you could not defend like a man!”

The Muslim rule of Andalus which lasted for over 700 years (711-1492) was over. Granada, the last stronghold of the Moors capitulated to the Spanish army on that fateful January 1492.

Thousands of lives had perished. Al-Hambra, the resplendent palace was lost. Over 1,005,000 volumes of works on Moorish culture had been burnt. Ferdinand, the King of Spain issued an edict of expulsion which sent 100,000 Jews to Portugal.

It was in the summer of  711 (92AH) that Tariq ibn Ziyad was ordered by the Governor of North Africa, Musa  Ibn Nusayr to invade Andalus with 12,000 Arabs and Berbers. While crossing the Straits of Gibraltar (Jabal Tariq) Tariq saw in his dream Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said "Take courage, O Traiq! and accomplish what you are destined to perform."

The tyrant Visigoth king of the Iberian Peninsula, Roderic met Tariq with more than 100,000 men at the battle of Guadalete. Tariq defeated them and killed the king with his own hands.

Ibnu'l-Ahmar was chosen as the Khalif of Granada in 1238 which he ruled for 34 years. He was responsible for the building of the Alhambra Palace at Granada.

Architecture par excellence - in harmony with nature, incorporating natural elements of shadows, sunlight, sound, wind, animals and scenery to their best in the design.

The effect of splashing and rippling sound of water is as if we are nearby to a waterfall or river flowing through boulders. It has a cooling, tranquil and pleasant effect on the minds and emotions.

From Greek to Roman to Arabic baths. Such was the flow of knowledge, culture, science and technology from civilisation to civilisation in the past.

We are proud that the Arabs had reached the peak of Muslim civilisation at one time for their accomplishment in so many fields of  knowlege -  empire building, philosphy, art, literature, architecture, travel,  science such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine ....

What went wrong then that they are now in turmoil? Was it a dream afterall?

The condition of peace and prosperity are essential in knowledge seeking.

Monday, August 8, 2011


In 1206, the nomadic Mongols became united under Temuchin or popularly known as Genghis (Chinggis) Khan and began their brutal expansion from their homeground in Gobi Desert westwards (Eastern Europe) and eastwards (China).

Genghis Khan (c. 1170-1227)

Genghis Khan sacked Bukhara, Samarkand. The old Qurans in the mosque were desecrated. Though not a Muslim, Genghis gathered prisoners into the mosque and delivered his famous 'Punishment of God' speech from the pulpit.
"O people, know that you have committed great sins and that the great ones among you have committed these sins! If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you...."

A sixteenth-century Indian depiction of the Mongols storming a Chinese city.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Tempoe doloe perjalanan ke Mekah untuk menunaikan haji penuh cabaran dan dugaan. Keimanan dan kesabaran perlu kuat.

Perjalana melalui jalan darat perlu merempuh padang pasir, gunung-ganang dan hutan belantara. Berjalan kaki dengan kenaikan unta, keldai, kereta lembu dan sebagainya menjadi lumrah.

Sungai, tasik dan laut terpaksa dinyeberangi.

Indonesia, negara yang paling ramai penduduk Muslim mempunyai rekod awal naik haji seperti berikut:

1853                1,100
1858                 3,700
1873                 3,900
1878/79            5,331
1879/80            9,542
1880/81            4,605
1881/82            4,302
1882/83            5,269
1883/84            4,540

Kunci Ka'abah tidak tolok banding harganya. RM57 juta itu tidak ada makna.

Beginikah kaum Muslim menghormati kunci kepada segala kunci Rumah Allah? Sesungguhnya Allah telah menguji ummah Islam.

Mengapa kerajaan Saudi tidak menyimpan kunci tersebut sebagai yang menjaga Masjidul-Haram dan Masjidul-Rasul?
