Thursday, February 10, 2011

the hard truths: feb 10 2011

By al-Din on February 10, 2011 2:58 PM
The hard truths:

1. The beacon of light has gone for him. Light without light is darkness.

2. A tiny state wants to act big has to create the bigness which sometimes leads to false pathways and mental states difficult to redress. The mind is a devil's workshop.

3. To maintain nationalism and cohesiveness it has to constantly alert people of cannibals out there ready to pounce. New enemies real or imagined have to be created. Islam is the bogeyman he wrongly perceived.

4. The Kandang Kerbau effect the highest birthrate at one time has overlast. Those babies are not interested to make babies but more on economics hence the dwindling population. It has to rely on expatriates and foreign workers.

5. With English (not Chinese) as the national language it is losing its Chineseness more and more. Language is culture. More so with the influx of English speaking aliens coming to work and intermarry. It is becoming more of a melting pot of an internationalised state.

6. Unlike Hong Kong it will regain its Chineseness with time since the mainland took over the former British colony.

7. What else to unite the people in the would be internationalised state? The future is in Islam!

8. Malaysia is game and has been a blessing to them - a confused neighbour, poor in arithmatic, law, marathon (that's why we have to depend on tongkat ali - 2.2B has been allocated). After the durian diplomacy not only you have a foul mouth but lost more land and sand.

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