The books indicated below have been posted in another of SAVE's blog, quite sometimes ago and now offered at reduced price. Many others are not listed yet. My libraries at 3 locations are overflowing!
To order:
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Payment: To include postage and handling charges to be advised accordingly. Inform us when payment deposited into CIMB account 12150000107093 due to Shaharudin Saamin.
Note: Discounted prices valid for Malaysia only.
56. Words as an Elixir. Nadya A Shaharudin. 2001. Univision Press, K
Lumpur, 77pp. Softcover, L format, new. RM20 (poem anthology published
by my daughter at 13 yrs old)
55. Through the Lens. Lam Seng Fatt. 1996. Berita Publ, K Lumpur, 144pp. Softcover, mint. RM9
54. Warkah Al-Ikhlas 1818-1821. Badriyah Salleh. 1999. Dewan Bahasa Pustaka, K Lumpur, 270pp. Softcover, new. RM9
53. Sago Palm: Metroxylon sagu Rottb. M. Flach. 1997. IPGRI, Rome, 76pp. Softcover, new RM8
52. Handbook for the Home. 1973 Yearbook of Agricultute. USDA, Washington, 388pp. Hdcover, fair, RM8
Rehabilitation of Citrus Industry in the Asia Pacific Region: Proc 6th
Int Asia Pacific Workshop Integrated Citrus Health Management, K Lumpur,
1991. UNDP-FAO, 213pp. Softcover, L format, good. RM8
Mahathir, Anwar, Konspirasi, Reformasi, Kopikasi, Wangkasi, Tak Ada
Kasi. Syed Hussein Al Attas. 1998. Jaharah Enterprise, K Lumpur, 264pp.
Softcover, new. RM7
49. Integrated Control Arthropod, Disease
and Weed Pests of Cotton, Grain Sorghum and Deciduous Fruits: Proc
US-USSR Symp, Texas, 1975. USDA, Washington, 216pp. Softcover, L format,
good cond. RM7
48. Beberapa Aspek ‘Ilm al-Kalam Mengikut Ibn
Taymiyyah. Mohammad Kamil Majid. 1993. Penerbit Media Ilmu, Cheras,
142pp. Softcover, new. RM6
47. The Unmaking of a Mayor. W.F. Buckley Jr. 1967. Bantam Books, New York, 387pp. Ppback, good cond. RM6
46. Panduan Penternakan Bebiri. 1989. Ibu Pejabat Perkhidmatan Haiwan, K Lumpur, 67pp. Softcover, mint cond. RM6
45. Menghasilkan Pakan Alami untuk Ikan Hias. Yusuf Bachtiar. 2003. Agromedia, Jakarta, 76ms. Softcover, gd cond. RM7
44. Child Photography Simplified. S. Szasz. 1978. Amphoto, New York, 97pp. Softcover, gd cond. RM6
43. Handball. Michael Yessis. 1966. WM C Brown Co, Iowa, 72pp. Softcover, gd cond. RM5
42. Tennis. Joan Johnson & Paul Xanthos. 1967. WM C Brown Co, Iowa. Softcover, gd cond. RM5
41. The Gift. Vladimir Nabokov. 1963. Panther Books, London, 333pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM4
40. Dunia Perkahwinan. Siti Normin Ahmad. HMBA Penerbit, Marang, 245ms. Softcover, mint cond. RM4
39. Keluarga Virus Veterinar. Awang IPR. 1991. UPM, Serdang, 74ms. Softcover, gd cond. RM4
38. How to Surf. M. Farrelly & C. McGregor. 1968. Sphere Books, London, 144pp. Ppback, fair cond RM4
37. ABC’s of Air Travel. G. Davidson. 1984. 89pp, softcover, gd cond. RM3
36. Suddenly, at Singapore. G. Black. 1965. Fontana Books, 192pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM3
35. Lieutenant Hornblower. CS Forester. 1957. Pan Books, London, 253pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM3
34. Memories of a Catholic Childhood. M. McCarthy. 1963. Berkley Medallion Books, New York, 224pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM3
33. Building Speaker Enclosures. R.G. Middleton. 1972. Radio Shack, Fort Worth, 95pp. Softcover, gd cond, RM6
32. The Golf Secret. H.A. Murray. 1976. Elliot, UK, 126pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM4
31. Improve Your Cricket. T. Bailey. Penguin, UK, 160pp. Ppback, fair cond. RM4
Complete Poetry and Selected Prose by Walt Whitman. J.E. Miller Jr
(ed). Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 518pp. Softcover, fine cond. RM11
27. A Literary History of Persia. EG Browne. 2002. Goodword Books, New Delhi, Vols I&II, 568pp. Softcover, mint cond. RM54
26. Lord
of the Two Lands. Judith Tarr. 1993. TOR Books, New York, 317pp.
Hdcover, new. RM33 (historical fiction of Alexander the Great’s move
into Egypt)
25. The Worst Disaster: The Fall of Singapore. R Callahan. 2001. Cultured Lotus, Singapore, 293pp. Softcover, new. RM24
24. Selected
Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. 1991. Carol Publishing, New York, 566pp.
Softcover, gd cond. RM38 (writings on the soul and mood of 19th century
23. The Land and Wildlife of Tropical Asia. 1971. Time-Life Books, New York , 200pp. Hdcover, good cond. RM15
22. Rangatira. NB Tindale & HA Lindsay. 1959. AH & AW Reed, Wellington, 208pp. Hdcover, fair cond. RM11 (Polynesian saga)
21. Towards
Tomorrow: Essays on Development and Social Transformation of Singapore.
1973. SNTUC, Singapore, 165pp. Softcover, fair cond. RM10
20. Death
of a Tycoon. N Davies. 1992. St Martin’s Press, N York, 346pp. Hdcover,
new. RM20 (An Insider’s Account of the Fall of Robert Maxwell – a press
19. The Conduct of Elections in Malaysia. 1994. A Rashid Rahman. Berita Publ, K Lumpur, 211pp. Sofcover, mind cond. RM10
18. Dunhill Fairway Gollf: Guide to Golf Courses in Malaysia & Singapore. Golf Publ, P Jaya, 399pp. Hdcover, Gd cond. RM26
17. Graduan: Careers & Employment for Malaysian Fresh Graduates. 2004. Bix Connexion, Ampang, 334pp. Softcover, mint cond. RM10
16. The Art of Printmaking. Softcover, gd cond. RM10 (in Chinese)
15. Understanding Advertising. 1996. Fred Morais. Berita Publ, K Lumpur, 128pp. Softcover, mint cond. RM8
14. Living
All the Memories: A Chapter in the Story of the Malayan SPCA. 1996. Ted
Miles. Berita Publ, K Lumpur, 96pp. Softcover, mint cond RM6
13. Menghadirkan Pesona Air di Taman. 2002. Murhananto. Agromedia, Jakarta, 63ms. Softcover, new. RM8
12. Aduan Ayam. 2001. Agromedia, Jakarta, 58ms. Softcover, new, RM7
11. Jamur Kuping. 2001. Agromedia, Jakarta, 28ms. Softcover, new. RM6
10. Memilih & Merawat Louhan Kualitas Kontes. 2004. Suwandi Surya. Agromedia, Jakarta. Softcover, new. RM8
9. Koi. 2002. Agromedia, Jakarta. Softcover, mint. RM8
8. Meningkatkan Produktivitas Puyuh. 2006. Zainal Abidin.Agromedia, Jakarta. Softcover, new. RM9
7. Complete Book of Jukado Self-Defense. 1968. B Tegner. Bantam, N York, 256pp. Ppback, fair. RM6
6. The Journals of Lewis and Clark. 1964. J Bakeless. Mentor, N York, 384pp. Ppback, fair. RM6
5. Flight
Briefings for Pilots: Associated Ground Subjects. 1977. NH Birch &
AE Bramson. Pitman Publ, London, 196pp. Hdcover, gd cond. RM8
4. A Place to Live. The Yearbook of Agriculture. 1963. USDA, Washington, 284pp. Hdcover, gd cond. RM9
Three books, bibliographic in nature have been published and sold mainly to libraries.
3) 2005. Bibliograhic Enumeration of Four Centuries of
Agriculture and Nature Conservation in Malaysia, 1570-1970. 2nd edn.
Published in collaboration with MYAGRI, Nilai. Price RM180*
2006. Bibliographic Compilation of Medicinal, Herbal, Aromatic,
Pesticidal & Poisonous Plants of Asia and Oceania: Biodiversity,
Ethnobotany & Pharmacognosy. Published in collaboration with UPM.
Price RM120*
1) 2007. Bibliography on Research and Development of Sago, Peatland, Associated Soils and Crops. Price RM80*
Address: Park View Apartment, Junifer 15-1 Jalan Camelia, Tanah Rata, C Highlands. Close to Maybank.
Features: In-town location, 3 bedroom with 3 bathrooms, water heater, quiet, clean, furnished, kitchen facilities, Astro.
Rate: RM250 non-peak ; RM300 - peak season (weekends, holidays)
Contact: Dr Shaharudin Saamin Tel: 013 3763858; E-mail: