Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Master Mariner Capt Rivers aka Hj Kadir telah menetap hampir 20 tahun di CH. Asalnya dari Toronto, Canada. Telah bertugas dimerata tempat sebagai polis, insuran perkapalan, menubuhkan FRU di Singapura, pengajar di Singapore Polytechnic.

Di Malaysia ia aktif dalam membanbtu keselamatan, persatuan dan masyarakat tempatan. Ia ahli sejarah dan telah menulis beberapa buah buku dan makalah.

oRivers PJ. 2004. The origin of ‘Sabah’. JMBRAS LXXVII(1):67-77
oRivers, Philip J, Capt. 2004. “1421” Voyages: Fact & Fancy. Perak Academy, Ipoh 98pp

Perpustakaannya penuh dengan buku. Sejadah terbentang tepi atas lantai tepi meja. Kini sedang menulis cerita baru berkenaan Jim Thomson.

Saya rasa dia terkilan kerana belum dapat kerakyatan Malaysia pada umurnya yang sudah lanjut ini.

March 31, 2010 9:25 AM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Saya sokong benar didirikan Maahad Tahfiz Moden ala Andalusia. Saya berasa terharu kerana Pak Sedaro yang bukan dari CH maupun dari Pahang tahu apa nak diadakan supaya bilangan orang Melayu/Islam bertambah. Orang strategis beginilah kita hendak.

CH yang pertama diteroka oleh Camerons pada tahun 1888. Tempat yang begitu nyaman dan hubungan jalan raya sangat mudah sekarang perlu ada projek mega membina intelek Islam.

Saya fikir sesuai didirikan kampus universiti teragung ala Andalusia Orient diCH sebagai induk dan beberapa cawangan di dataran tinggi seperti Fraser's Hill, Gunung Jerai, Bkt Larut, Penang Hill dan Gunung Angsi. Ramai pelajar, pengkaji dan pakar Islam dari seluruh pelusuk dunia akan datang.

Kawasan Genting atau Janda Baik telak tidak sesuai lagi untuk membina kampus Islam kerana hub judi dan Toh Peh Kong ada diatas. Tun Razak telah membuat salah strategi kerana wang judi haram kini bercampur aduk dalam kutipan negara. Dimana negara Islam didunia ini ada Casino? Aku sajalah negara Islam. Tanggunglah bahananya. Ya Allah.

Gunung Angsi dulunya pernah dicuba tanam koko, getah, loquat dll tanaman oleh Brtish sebagai kajian.

March 31, 2010 9:51 AM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Najib orang Pahang. Tengoklah sendiri keadaan orang Melayu CHighlands.Usahlah rebranding sana sini. MEB, GST, 1Malaysia.

Nak naikan taraf pendapatan tinggi seperti negara maju. Dengan apa, kalau makan tak cukup duit untuk sekolah anak tak cukup. Duit untuk PERMATA beratus juta! Apa realitinya. Nak tanding global tapi PPSMI diketepikan.

Keluarga dia bolehlah cakap banyak. Yang paling tinggi gaji GLC siapa? Kalau nak cepat dapatkan taraf pendapatan tinggi serahkan sebulan-dua gajinya kapada penduduk Melayu CH.

March 31, 2010 10:04 AM

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Pernah saya syurkan kapada ADO supaya bina semula surau di Batu 33 ditempat lebih luas. Jawabnya tanah tak ada! Tak ado otak orang den tu!

Kepada Penghulu saya syurkan supaya adakan lagi kampung atau reserve Melayu selain yang ada di Taman Sedia. Katanya: Apa bangsa lain kata! Memang bodoh sobodohnyo. Penakut.

Orang Pahang baik peringkat raja, MB dan lain2 berpangkat tinggi telah mengabaikan orang Melayu di CH melarat. Tidak ada perancangan tambahan lagi bangsa2 lain laju dengan kemajuan pertanian.

Raja pula entah ada berapa buah istana hinggapan disana. Acap kali datang rakyat akan menyambut mereka dan berbelanja. Masa itulah bangsa lain mainkan peranan.

Saya ada beli flat kerajaan untuk orang Melayu, walaupun telah bepuluh tahun selasai membayarnya tetapi grant tak dapat lagi. Kan ini menyusahkan Melayu?

March 30, 2010 6:30 PM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Saya ada memohon tanah. ADO kata kalau orang Melayu diberi tanah mereka jual. Tetapi bukan senang dapat tanah ditempat istimewa ini tentunya kalau dapat nak simpan keanak cucu. Kalau nak jual kapada orang Melayu sebagai syaratnya. Rezeki kita tidak tentu dimana. Tanah tak boleh dikendong2.

Disemua negeri di Malaysia ini yang paling banyak menyimpan tanah ialah SDC. Merekalah yang banyak menggadai tanah kerajaan Melayu!

Ada yang telah beranak cucu diCH tetapi bila pohon tanah tak dapat. Sepatutnya untuk menggalakkan dan meramaikan lagi orang Melayu diCH mereka yang telah lama bermastautin diutamakan mendapat tanah.

Captain Rivers aka Hj Kadir yang menetap disempadan Ladang Teh Boh berkata "Orang Melayu memang suka menyusahkan orang lain". Masa kita memegang kuasa yang tak seberapa masih lagi kita tak sedar dan menyombong untuk menolong. Wahai Melayu!!

March 30, 2010 6:51 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Pegawai2 kerajaan CHighlands banyak syok sendiri maklumlah ditempat sejuk, jauh dari pantauan ibu pejabat. Kiranya orang dari ibu pejabat datang mereka lebih minat makan angin dan booth kereta akan dipenuhkan dengan bunga2an dan sayur2an oleh anak buah. Tertutuplah mulut.

Mesyuarat kerap diadakan diKuantan dan mesti ada alaun mileage, bermalam dan makanan. Pernah isteri seorang ADO mengatakan claim ke Kuantan lebih daripada gaji.

Dulu ada DO runtuhkan bangunan pejabar daerah lama yang masih tersergam dibena oleh British dan dibangunkan ditempat yang sama bangunan pejabat daerah baru. Sayang banyak membazir. Isterinya kalau dipadang golf bawa wang berkepul2.

Dulu UMNO CH ada sedikt hartanah tetapi telah dijual dan tidak tahu ujung pangkal apa berlaku pada duitnya. UMNO sudah belot kepentingan Melayu. Kepala2 UMNO dulu nampak mewah sekarang.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bila Belanda minta tanah, kadok naik junjung: Mar 21 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

The Malays need to take challenges. They should not take the easy way as exemplified in many instances be it in education, business, skills, administration etc.

Definitely we have lost much time and time is not with us anymore. We are in peril. We have to make everyone count. In other countries the mindset in upbringing is that an individual potential is limitless. "Baik-baik bawa mobil pak, mana tau terlanggar budak yang bakal jadi presiden," I once heard.

The angst and pangs in the Malay world are varied in form and degree. Each nation-state not in a strong position to help others near or far.

BERSATU. 1995. Resolusi persidangan pemimpin-pemimpin pejuang Patani. 4-5 Julai 1995, Patani
_____ & MPRMP. 1997. Hidup Mati Bangsa Melayu. Patani

oChambert-Loir. 1995. Catatan hubungan sejarah dan sastera antara Campa dengan dunia Melayu. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm217-34

Lamant P-L. 1995. Orang Melayu di Kemboja menghadapi sistem politik protektorat Perancis. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm123-36

Rodil BR. 1994. The minoritization of the indigenous communities of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Alternative Forum for Res in Mindanao, Davao City

Salah Jubair. 1999. Bangsamoro: A Nation under Endless Tyranny. IQ Marin, K Lumpur

Sri Lanka
Jayah, Murad. 1970. The plight of the Ceylon Malays today. Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Moors Islamic Cultural Home pp70-75

Samat TMG. 1959. The Malays – glorious past but what of their future? Sunday Times of Ceylon, Colombo, 7 May 1959

Cape Town
Du Plessis, Izaak David. 1972. Cape Malays. Standard Encyclopedia of Southern Africa. Cape Town 7:145-50

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bila Belanda minta tanah, kadok naik junjung: Mar 21 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Kalau mencari tempat mandi
Pertama pantai kedua teluk
Kalau mencari pemimpin negeri
Pertama pandai kedua elok.

Kalau padi yang ditanam
Jangan lalang yang naik
Jika budi yang ditanam
Jangan petualang yang bangkit.

Elok dibidang dulang suasa
Cawan perak diisi inti
Bila dikenang nasib bangsa
Awan berarak ditangisi. .

Rais Yatim. 2000. Zaman Beredar, Pusaka Bergilir. Endowment Publ, P Jaya

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do the Right Thing about Ku Li: Mar 15 2010

on March 16, 2010 at 6:04 pm | Reply al-Deen-amin

Ku Li must be a threatening figure to many of his contemporaries (politicians) during his early heydays. When you become the finance minister you must be up and coming and perhaps groomed for the pinnacle (Zahid excluded!). If he was on a fast track and overtaken by ambition or arrogance then it would not be as bad as wanting to be the youngest PM.

When people feel (their interests) threatened, their insecurity and jealousy will concoct ways and means to rid off the cause. However, there were also politicians who were ambitious and used or colluded with him to promote their agenda. If the UMNO leader at that time was a weakling than Ku Li would gain to be the PM. He was outmatched by TDM.

Now that UMNO-BN is a weakling Ku Li’s service is needed more than ever. With the ups and downs he has undergone, he should be a much wizened and down to earth politician.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Disebalik resolusi perhimpunan agung MCA: Mar 14 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Tamadun lampau yang penuh dengan sengsara, kacau-bilau, feudalisma, peperangan, ketidak-adilan dan kebuluran telah memupuk tabii dan minda kaum Cina untuk strategi survival. Oleh itu mereka mementingkan sifat2 teras seperti kerja kuat, ekonomi kukuh, pembelajaran, persatuan, makanan untuk kesihatan dll.

Kemajuan yang hendak dicapai dalam dunia seolah melangit tidak diseimbangkan dengan etika kesederhanaan. Dari segi agama mereka (bukan Islam) kekayaan adalah tiket untuk kebahagiaan di alam barqa. Padahal untuk kesejahteraan manusia seantero buat selama-lamanya (sebelum khiamat) perlu ada "middle path" supaya tidak rakus di muka bumi ini. Kalau tidak bumi akan ketandusan bahan alam dan hidup manusia melarat seperti di Afrika.

Politik di Malaysia berasaskan perkauman. Oleh itu masing2 terpaksa mengenengahkan isu2 berbau perjuangan kaum untuk mengaut undi. Ini tidak dapat dielakan tetapi seperti Dr Ridhuan nyatakan perlu ada batasan dan kefahaman.

LKY, Mao Tze Tong, pemerintah2 Mat Saleh lampau dan sekarang faham benar the "Chinese psyche". Mereka berpendapat, authoritarian maupun dictatorship (kuku besi) adalah cara untuk memerintah bangsa Cina.

Pemerintah boleh dengar permintaan kaum2 lain tetapi perlu tegas mengikut dasar2 termaktub dalam perlembagaan dan fakta sejarah. Mereka dan generasi mereka tidak akan berhenti meminta sehingga wujudnya satu bangsa Malaysia.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A federation in name only: Mar 10 2010

The powers vested on the states and federal government are stated in the constitution. In due course, the Federal government has somehow tightened the grip over the states by acts of commission and omission as and when circumstances deem neccessary. The check and balance has become lopsided in favour of the federal. Why is it so?

In the first instance is that the ruling authority on the basis on its own political stratagem has unjustifiably ignored the rights of the state as in the case of the oil royalty for Kelantan. It has reneged on the dutifully signed Petroleum Development Act.

Another aspect is that states have mismanaged their resources. Many are bankcrupt or failed states. Poor governance, abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, and inefficiencies at all levels. Each keep on demanding increased allocation from year to year. With such dependencies, it’s no wonder that the federal has gained more control over the states.

The root of financial mismanagement begins of course at the district levels run by incompetent officers who over-delegate, misplaced prioritisation, poor budgetary and personnel control. It seems that their office buildings and surroundings are the only ones in town worth keeping, an epitome of ego-centrism forgetting that the money come from the people they are suppose to serve; not to serve themselves with such and end-of the year trips overseas.

The MBs and CMs have to bear the responsibility of failed states. What such fiascos as Bkt Pelanduk becomes Bkt Babi, stashing RM10 million overseas illegally, collapsed stadium the more reason they have to resign.

If the states are not sustainable the country will be constantly in debt needing more foreign borrowings from IMF and the likes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fairuz (dulu PKR kini UMNO) perlu berhati2: Mar 10 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Dalam pergolakan politik sekarang agenda yang teragung ialah bagaimana dan bila Melayu dapat memerintah Pulau Mutiara itu. Kalau ianya tidak berlaku sehinggga kucing bertanduk pun Melayu tidak terbela. C

Yang si Pak Lah tu tidak ada strategi untuk membela Melayu malah menguntugkan bangsa lain. Peruntukan untuk projek seperti jambatan kedua sepatutnya disalurkan untuk pembangunan Melayu.

Begitulah keadaan di merata pelusuk Tanah Melayu dan Malaysia ini. Kerajaan Melayu baik di peringkat daerah,negeri dan negara mengabaikan kaum sendiri. Cuba lihat di-kampung2 pendalaman terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak - sawah dan sungai kering, api-air kekurangan, kesihatan melarat, jalan teruk. Jalan ke rumah kampung saya masih tanah merah padahal hanya suku km dari jalanraya Tampin-Gemas!

Yang lebih diutamakan kawasan perbandaran dengan koridornya, jalanraya sentiasa dinaik taraf. Menteri berkenaan luar-bandar tidak ada strategi menyeluruh tetapi lebih ad-hoc semasa membuat lawatan.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MEB: Pemerintah sedia menghadap risiko politik: Mar 6 2010

al-Din-amin said...

The proposed MEB and the proclaimed Ekuinas, 1Malaysia, PERMATA etc are all poorly justified or unjustified heavyweights that are going to sink UMNO, Melayu , Barisan and rakyat as a whole into an economic and political mess. Malaysia may develop into a half-way failed state. What is this endless sloganeering?

By taking in corrupts, have-beens, non-performers Najib has fallen into his own foolhardy doing – an entrapment he can't extricate himself. But we can do that service for him! To many Malays he and his ignoramus group are a liability to UMNO. The invitable cure is Najib has to go willingly. Ku Li is waiting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pemerintah sedia mengahadapi risiko politik: Mar 6 2010


This is the age of sloganeering and rebranding! Very true indeed of what Dr Mahathir said about half-past sixes in control of the country. They haven't learn anything with their many years in the cabinet.

They talk big and feel safe for themselves least for the meantime. Bangsa is dispensible. We must catch votes!

Out of his own doing Najib now has to shoulder many biawak hidup. Things can't go right for him and worse the RAKYAT suffers with all these people putting trash ideas.

The economic situation must be that bad. My daughter teaching at Skudai was instructed to bring students for swimming competiton at Batu Pahat. She can't claim mileage, food and lodging! The Pengetua said that classroom fans can be only switched on after 10am.

What is this PERMATA scheme with RM millions being allocated? High performance schools to be given RM1 million? Much salary increase for Pengetua who performed well? Don't we know that it is the ordinary teachers who slog even weekends to bring up the name of the school? The Pengetuas are always out of office to attend meetings and courses.

Many of our government systems are suffering from sustainability crisis. Talk is cheap.

Menghargai toleransi pribumi: Mar 7 2010


Kaum pribumi mengahadapi banyak cabaran dan akan sentiasa dicabar. Sikap mereka bertoleransi diambil kesempatan untuk dieksploitasi oleh mereka untuk mengaut keuntungan berlebihan. Malahan mereka tidak akan puas dan terus mendesak, menghimpit dan memutar belit.

Saya sanjung Dr Ridhuan kerana lantang menyuarakan sikap keterlaluan Cina kiasu sambil membangkitkan kesedaran kaum pribumi. Saudara bertugas di tempat yang strategik dan giat bertelaah untuk kebaikan negara.

Allah telah menganugerahkan bumi bertuah ini dengan berbagai bangsa. Tidak dinafikan kaum-kaum pendatang banyak berjasa membangunkan negara ini. Munkin Allah berkehendakan begitu supaya pribumi tidak leka tetapi mesti berusaha mempelajari dari mereka yang tamadun dan teknologinya lebih terawal. Kesan persaingan dalam masyakat majmuk seperti di Malaysia lebih ketara sekiranya dibandingkan dengan masyarakat mono-etnik seperti di Indonesia.

Terasnya, tiap warga pribumi Melayu mesti berjuang untuk kejayaan diri dan kaumnya untuk dunia dan akhirat. Dengan itu negara akan lebih maju dan aman. Banyak masalah pribumi timbul dari sikap-sikap mereka sendiri yang membawa kelemahan dan kemunduran dalam pelbagai aspek.

Yang menghairankan Melayu yang memerintah tetapi Melayu yang susah. Orang Melayu susah menolong sebaliknya suka menyusahkan. Bangsa lain tidak akan bertungkus-lumus untuk kita. Tengok sajalah di kampung-kampung jauh dari perbandaran. Keadaan masih serba kekurangan - jalan sempit, sungai kekeringan, sawah terbiar, gigi congak tanda kurang pemakanan, penyakit berleluasan ...

Ahli-ahli politik, wakil rakyat dan ahli parlimen setelah menetap di pusat negeri atas KL mudah lupa orang kampung. Bajet banyak diperuntukan untuk membangunkan perbandaran, koridor, lebuhrraya, bangunan dan pejabat baru dsb. Menteri yang bertanggung jawab tidak lantang dengan strategi dan aksi pembangunan luar bandar.

Saya ingin bertanya, saudara Ridhuan pernah terfikir masuk politik?


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Geveva Motor Show: Mar 4 2010

By al-Din on March 6, 2010 12:09 AM

In life sojourn we meet all kinds of people. To the untrained mind this can be confusing because people tend to put their ideas across and one has to seive through them to remain sane. Education and wisdom help us to meander through life's maze.

At the inception of Proton my immediate superior was very volatile against the idea. He was volatile because he was just back with PhD from volatile Belfast! He was on government scholarship though!

Up to this day many still do not understand why we need Proton as exemplified by the previous PM! Yes, many could not see beyond their noses. Are they ignorant of the achievements of great nations and civilisations? Tun's idea of 2020 is a reminder to put peoples' sight further beyond our noses.

The next project people like to criticize is the Twin Towers. We could still come across comments saying that they are a waste. They think of being utilitarians but lack that far, far-sighted vision.

Great nations must have tangible heritage as a mode to inspire the populace. Individually as well as a group people will aspire to achieve what their leaders project to them to be.

If such is not true then why Emperor Shih Huang Ti built the Great Wall of China (apart to deter the northerners)) and now they have the rail-link to the westernmost part to Tibet, and the Three-Gorges Dam. They are thinking so far ahead even at the displacement of thousands of villages and millions of people! The people are willing to sacrifice.

The pharoahs built the pyramids, and the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas their symbols of power and achievements; the Greeks and Romans with their coloseums.

Why France built the Eifel Tower (mid-nineteenth century!) and the US sending people to the moon? The Japanese have the bullet trains and an airport on man-made sea-island at that.

Thus, Malaysia's venture into such projects as Proton, Twin Towers, the scenic bridge (?) are not only utilitarian but are comparatively small and not wasteful. Dream on Malaysia for generations ahead.

As circumstances demand it Tun has the unique ability to see the forest above the trees, at times the trees above the forest, at other times both the forest and the trees. Yet, he won't get lost when he in the forest surrounded by the trees! Even when the forest and the trees are not there yet he could still see them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jom menysahkan manusia Subramaniam: mar 3 2010


It is good that the government is taking measures to provide basic welfare governance to millions of legal migrant workers. They pay annual levi.

However, when the Minister proposes to have lessons for the employers then he is acting like a headmaster. Distributing booklets containing guidelines for the employers to adhere to would suffice.

What is important is that these workers should have ready access to an established avenues at district and state levels for them to report to (apart from their employers) when they have problems or need assistance.

Regulations must be enforced to ensure that they are being treated fairly especially by their agents, employers and in terms of wages, shelter, medical, religous and other basic needs.

For the Muslim workers they should not work in restaurants or residences serving pork. We are lax on these. Who bears the burden of dosa?

A standing national committee or body consisting of members from various ministries/agencies headed by the Labour Minister would set the policies, regulations, enforcement, reporting etc. to oversea that workers are not treated as slaves.

For a sustainable development of the country we surely need them in a long time to come.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another one jumps ship: Mar 3 2010


The PR is in a state of flux and weakened with six PKR representatives out. This implies:
- the de facto leader being discredited.
- Chinese chauvinistic DAP fully controls Penang.
- many PKR Malay votes switch to PAS and some to UMNO.
- to survive, more PAS-DAP-PKR give and take.
- MB Khalid is shaky more so with the Islamic Bank case.
- PR is not sustainable.
- BN becomes stronger by default.
-Ku Li entrenched in UMNO and non-committal to possibilities plays his trump card right.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jom menysahkan manusia: Noh Omar: March 3 2010


Noh, cari kerja (splitting hairs)bukan buat kerja. Sebab tak fikir panjang, tanpa menjalankan penyelidikan, ada monopoli, guna teknologi canggih tak kena tempat menyebabkan harga ikan naik tak tentu pasal. Saya kena makan ikan kerana kolesterol tinggi. Sekarang nak beli dan makan ikan darah naik tinggi pula kerana marah!

Hari itu nak beri beras. Disini saya tak dengar sapa yang miskin terima. Untuk jangka pendek boleh tetapi apa strategi untuk jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran padi cukup maupun lebih? Bila bilangan penduduk meningkat 50 juta, 70 juta, 100 juta mana nak dapat beras. Bilangan penduduk negara pengeksport beras seperti Vietnam, Thailand akan meningkat juga dan beras berkurangan untuk eksport. Indonesia, Jepun boleh mencukupi beras mengapa tidak Malaysia?

Digesa Malaysia menubuhkan institusi penyelidikan padi yang menyeluruh seperti kelapa sawit (MPOB), getah (MRB)dan koko (MCB). Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) telah menghantar memorandum berkenaan hal ini pada tahun 2007 kapada Muhyiddin, Menteri Pertanian ketika itu. Kami akan kemukakan lagi kapada Noh Omar.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Proton's progress: March 2 2010

By al-Din on March 2, 2010 10:24 AM

That's the way to go Proton, F1, Lotus. Viva Mahathir. Proton will roll out hybrid cars soon! Can we have more Petronas-Proton link-ups in developing frontier technologies and commercialization?

Ya, they have RM4 worth of brains, the side-burned bullfrog and the mastertoadlah.

For long term sustainability we must develop a maintenance culture which is now lacking. We like to remove and renew leaving little history left for generations to come to learn.

For long term sustainability we want leaderships with vision. The right vision that is.

The last time when I was with a research organisation (10 years ago), the leadership was harping on downsizing and not expanding in order to cater for the complex demands of food supply for the continously growing population. The leaderships' written English was horrible and yet their dissertation was voluminous! They won't allow us to publish in foreign journals.

Working in an another institution, the leadership (dean) is a Datuk professorship with a khalwat case! I hear a worse case at UNISEL. If these are the kind of leadership being promoted and maintained those in the higher echalons are not doing their job and should be removed. People can go but institutions must stay.

Malaysia wants to be self-sufficient in rice since mid-seventies and now by 2015. It is easy to proclaim such but what are the strategies and groundworks? Rice is not an easy crop to grow for from the minuscule to the beasts - virus, fungi, snails, birds, buffaloes, and climate - flood, drought, wind, pollution can lay a claim on the crop.

Malaysia is in dire need to establish a national rice research institute along the model of the successful Malaysian Palm Oil Board if we really care for the staple food of generations to come.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Royalti Minyak: Mar 1 2010


The issue is not so much Najib lawan Ku Li. It is more about justice and equity sharing of resources. Terengganu, Sarawak and Sabah get their oil royalties (and not wang ihsan) why not Kelantan? Their oil rigs are also more than 3 nautical miles away from the shore.

For 34 long years the BN government has deprived the people of Kelantan their due of needed funds for development. The Federal is playing parochial politics over the state whereas the case is above and beyond such sentiments and even above race. A whole group of humanity is jeopardised.

Ku Li has been delienated in UMNO camps for a long while. People are jostling for positions even the upstart KJ wants to be the youngest PM! Perhaps he is not a groupie, no herd mentality, and don't throw money around to buy votes.

He has a fighting call, a legitimate one based on strong legal and moral grounds. He is fighting for the people. The simple solution is for Najib to give in. Nothing to lose face but for the sake of fairness and sustainability of communities, state and nation

Google Kow Tows to China: 28 Feb 2010


There used to be sleeping giant of China is awakening out from the doldrums of their past centuries of misgivings further burdened by the West's global repressive ways.

It's a dirty game they play and the West is now is in a state of paranoia. The East has been sweating, feeding and keeping their standards of living high. Their economies are crumbling. China and India will overtake them by the middle of this century provided that the West does not concoct wars in the region.

To be sustainable, Malaysia should jettison and benefit itself in many ways as possible to the coming world scenario.