Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Tigers are protected animals. The Orang Asli in the jungle or nearby are still at the mercy of Pak Belang. Denudation of animals in the jungles led tigers to leave their habitats to prey on domesticates in villages.

Scarred: Yok Kalong pointing at the tiger claw marks on Yok Meneh's back.

From 'Tigers of Terengganu' by Locke, a Game Warden. Terengganu at one time was infested with wild tigers, a menace to the people and animal husbandry. 

Waiting for the tiger from a tree platform some 15 feet above ground. A life bait (goat) is tied below it.

Two tigers shot by Locke. Pak Mat was his assistant.

A number of people are needed to shoulder a dead tiger.

Rose Chan was once a must see 'tigeress' of Malaya perform.

Shoot the tigeress. A painting by Dali, famous Spanish surreal artist.

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