Thursday, October 8, 2009

Che Det on Open Houses - comment 2

By al-Din on September 29, 2009 9:59 PM

If having celebrations is the pathway to bangsa Malaysia by all means we should party Tun! Well, we all know it is a complex, never ending road to achieve a moving target.

Obama says "We are one", Najib says "1Malaysia". What are the ramifications of such slogans? The former implies among others:
i) Reinforces unity and support as in a bundle of sticks tied together;
ii) Number one in the world;
iii)Differences do not make any difference.

For the latter if I could interpret correctly:
i)Is Najib trying to imitate Obama? If so it is a whimper;
ii)There are 2 or more Malaysias. In fact there are - W Malaysia and E Malaysia. I spent 7 years in Sarawak and could see the vast differences between the two. There is no road to reach the upland interior, until quite recently the road leading from Mukah to Selangau was in terrible conditions, and we heard the plight of the Penans. It is as if E Malaysia di anak tirikan.
iii) Unity seems to be the chief aim but doesn't having 1lagu, 1budaya, 1pemikiran? If everybody think the same then no one is thinking. We must nurture diversity of ways of life and harvest its potential.

If celebrations lead to greater interactions and more mix-matrimonials then it is good for heterotic effect. My genes are of Minangkabau, Peranakan and other wild descendents. The Chinese often speak to me (in their tongue) but I can't understand. What a pity I said to myself. As an excuse jokingly I would say "Saya Cina sudah lama masuk Melayu!

Peranakan patun( by Si Melata. 1894. Pantun penganten)

Hal nikah tepok rebana,
Perkara baik bukannya hina.
Karangan burok tiada guna,
Buat ramai tambah warna.

Bilik cantek berbagei bagei,
Dalam kelambu berbau stanggi.
Malam berchakap sampai pagi,
Chuchi muka kiasai pergi.

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