Monday, January 2, 2012


For many years (1980s) PERKIM published the Islamic Herald, a bimonthly magazine of scholarly standing. Tunku was the President of the dakwah and welfare organisation then.

In the late 90s I visited RISEAP (Regional Islamic Secretariat for East Asia and Pacific) office in the PERKIM building, Jalan Ipoh. The Manager, a former army officer though doing his best to organise dakwah activities found books and publications a nuisance! According to him, all the books had been carded away. A Mat Salleh (convert) officer was asked to leave.

This is how we manage Islam putting a wrong man at the right place! Was it just because the Minister in the PM Department incharge of Islamic Affairs a former brigadier?

Excerpts of an article from IH vol. 11 no. 5&6: Prophecies of our Prophet in Hindu scriptures.

(Scripture: Bhavishya Purana Parv 3, Khand 3, Adhya 3, Shalok 5-8)

(Scripture: Atharva Veda, Kanda 20, Sukma 127, Mantra 1-3)

1 comment:

  1. There is NO God BUT ONE God. God has no partners, children and is nobody's child. There is NONE like God. God is the ONLY CREATOR and everything else is God's creation, including this fellow meher thakur. NO ONE can ever have ' the full authority of God' as claimed by this fellow called Mahamati Pannath.
    Its very simple: As humans, God has given us guidance to live by. Submitting one's will to God's commands is being a Muslim. That is the definition of word Muslim. God chose messengers from mankind to give teach that guidance to the people. EVERY nation/ people had a messenger. EVERY one of us is responsible for their own deeds and God's FINAL JUSTICE will prevail. No one gets ' a free pass' or ' a one way ticket to heaven'! We all get judged by God in the end.
    Islam means submission to ONE and ONLY true God and that what is expected from every human being.
