Thursday, September 17, 2015


Was in Pekan Baru, Riau at one time when the haze was at its thickest due to burning of farmlands and swamps. Added to this, people were burning rubbish heaps or thickets here and there along the roadside and near their houses. 

Here, frequently we see people set fires over rubbish heaps in towns and the rurals. Thus, we have that shared habit with our neighbours.

Burning the undergrowth. Heat, soot, burned particles, smoke, carbon dioxide are released into the air. They got trapped in the atmosphere. 

Earth's greenhouse

Natural causes of Carbon build-up in the atmosphere.

Recycling factories of the insect realm, termite nests in Australia exude streams of carbon dioxide as their residents break down plant litre. Termite account for a significant amount of all carbon dioxide released on land through decomposition.

Carbon dioxide released for each hectare.

Trend of CO2 atmospheric level through the ages.

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