Malaysia is now incapicitated by the Cash King, Najib. We are reduced to wimps not able to get rid of the Dajjal personified.
We have to let other countries (Luxembourg, Switzerland, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE, France) and agencies do the justice and cleaning up the country for us. Thank you
We have to let other countries (Luxembourg, Switzerland, USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE, France) and agencies do the justice and cleaning up the country for us. Thank you
1. LUXEMBOURG: Public Prosecutor’s Office, Luxembourg
2. SWITZERLAND: Swiss Attorney General’s Office
3. SINGAPORE: Singapore Police Commercial Affairs Department
Monetary Authority of Singapore
4. USA: U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Central Investigation Agency (CIA)
5. HONG KONG: Hong Kong Police
6. UNITED KINGDOM: Serious Fraud Office
7. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: The UAE authorities have issued travel bans and frozen the assets of Khadeem Al Qubaisi and Mohammed Badawy Al-Hussein, two top executives of the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund closely linked to the 1MDB.
8. FRANCE: French national prosecutor’s office (in relation to the purchase of two submarines)
1. South China Morning Post
2. The Australian
3. Australian Broadcasting Corporation
4. Sydney Morning Herald
5. Herald Tribune
6. Herald Tribune Latin America
7. International Business Times
8. International Business Times Singapore Edition
9. Wall Street Journal
10. International New York Times
11. TIME Magazine
12. The Guardian
13. The Daily Mail
14. Sun Daily (UK)
15. Euronews
16. Deutsche Welle
17. Singapore Straits Times
19. Today Online
20. India Today
21. Business Standard (India)
22. India Times
23. Fortune
24. EJ Insight (Hong Kong)
25. Anadolu (Turkey)
26. Bangkok Post
27. Chiang Rai Times
28. BBC
29. New Zealand Herald
30. Reuters
31. Bloomberg
32. Channel News Asia
33. Al-Jazeera
36. MWC News
37. East Asia Forum
38. Radio New Zealand
39. CNBC
40. The Independent
41. NewsX (Pakistan)
42. StateoftheStateKS (USA)
43. Asian Correspondent
44. Times of London
45. Financial Times
46. Asia Sentinel
47. Courier Mail
48. Jawa Post
49. Tempo
50. Waspada
51. The Telegraph
52. The Diplomat
53. Myanmar Times
1. NAJIB claimed that all the accusations against him are not true.
And his hench-men were reported in the mainstream press as saying that
the accusations made by foreign media such as the Wall Street Journal,
ABC TV Australia, the Financial Times, and all leading newspapers in the
United States (please see list of media, newspapers and televisions
attached, 53 in all, as well as the list of countries and their
investigating agencies) all only have the intention of tarnishing the
image of Najib. They seemed to have no other better things to do other
than tarnishing Najib’s image with comprehensive reports and television
documentaries complete with pictures and documents. All evidence shown
by them are unacceptable, says his henchmen. What can only be accepted
and believed are denials by Najib. Denials by Najib had never been
accompanied by clear evidence. It is okay. Denials by him are enough for
the Attorney General to rule that there is no case for Najib to answer.
2. Because of the denials by Najib, Heads of Division and Members of
Parliament from UMNO are all silent or tried to defend Najib.
3. Their stand is extraordinary. They seems to accept that a crime
has occurred and the person who committed them is identified, but only
because he denied it, then this means he is not guilty. If denial alone
be accepted as the basis for prosecution, then there will not be anyone
who would be prosecuted in this country.
4. Divisional Heads of UMNO and UMNO Members of Parliament have this
sort of stand. Because Najib denied all allegations against him,
Divisional Chiefs and Umno elected representatives continue to believe
that Najib is not guilty.
5. Islamic nations, as far as we know, never showed their great
appreciation to Najib for his contribution to Islam. As far as we know,
only “HRH Prince Abdulaziz Al-Saud Arabia” greatly appreciated Najib’s
contribution to Islam so much so that he is willing to donate USD375
millions to Najib to be kept in his personal account, to be kept
confidential and to be used according to his whims and fancies.
6. Now Apandi, the Attorney General, said RM 2.03 billion from the RM
2.6 billion reported to be in the personal account of Najib had already
been returned to the donor. Really? What evidence is there to show that
it has been returned to HRH or other Arabs? Is it not possible that the
money is still here to be fed to other UMNO leaders?Shahrir may have
received RM1.0 million and Ahmad Maslan RM2.0 million. It is not
possible that they were the only ones who received donations from Najib.
How many million Ringgits have been received by Divisional Heads and
other Members of Parliament.
7. It seems we are seeing a competition between CASH and Malay
nationalism. Many members and Umno branch chiefs give victory to the
national spirit, to race, religion and nation. But for the Divisional
Heads of UMNO and Members of Parliament, bran (dedak) gets the big
victory so much so their mouth, ears and eyes are closed. They are
willing to mortgage the nation for CASH or bran. There is no need to
deny. Not only Malaysians know, but the world already knows. Nazir Razak
himself admitted he was given USD7 million by Najib to be distributed
to the heads of the party before GE 13. It is a shame because there are
Malays who are not shy; who are willing to accept a leader humiliated by
the world.
Nazir Razak
Nazir Razak

(adapted from chedet.blogspot)
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