Sunday, July 23, 2017


(after Hj Mokhtar Stork, Thinkaloudtoday)

What you see, view or hear, does not represent the truth. The western mass media has a way of presenting news to serve their goals and ambitions. CNN, BBC and report their version of the truth! All these so-called champions of the truth are owned and directed by a single race.
Evidence of this “ownership of a nation” can be viewed in its foreign policy. Haley, the US representative at the UN recently called for Hamas to be banned a terrorist organisation []. “We should name Hamas as the group responsible when rockets are fired from Gaza, or when fresh tunnels are discovered.” We all know who the REAL terrorists are!
Recently, the US has also called for Hezbollah to be banned, not because it is Shi’a or Iranian (that’s the image presented) but because it is a threat to Israel. The truth is: Israel is the real threat to the whole Arab World. It dominance, firepower and nuclear power in the region is NEVER questioned and CANNOT be question. If King Hussein of Jordan is unable to have a nuclear plant for energy purposes due to Israeli objections.
Illegal Jewish settlements, confiscation of Palestinian lands, destruction of Olive trees, genocide of Palestinians etc has been an ongoing affair with intensity. Every step taken by the Israelis is considered a “security step”. Even the recent incident at Al Aqsa is referred to as a Jewish site. Every effort taking place there has ONLY one goal, the annexation of Palestine to establish the Jewish state. And all this is done with American-western consent. You NEVER get CNN or BBC reporting anything because it is an embracement to western democracy. What we are witnessing is hypocrisy and double standards at its highest level!
On the side-lines, we are distracted by CNN over Trump. Every day, the news is full of Trump. It’s a distraction and a deception. The truth is: whether it is Trump or Hillary, the outcome of US Foreign Policy is still Jewish! The BBC in turn is preoccupied with Brexit, another distraction and deception. You NEVER get to know what is really going on. Instead, every day the western news media churns up news about ISIS with interviews and reports about how horrifying it was under their rule.
I am not a fan of ISIS, HAMAS, FATAH or HEZBOLLAH but I can assure you that BUSH and BLAIR are even worse! We have seen this in Iraq, Libya and now in Syria. All these proxy wars in support of Israel was meant to reduce these nations to utter poverty and dependence on western handouts. Jeremy Corbyn was not totally wrong when he pointed out western involvement in Libya etc. However, the news as usual, gave it a twist and even reported that he laid a wreath of a Palestinian terrorist! Note the carefully crafted word “appears” in this statement published in the Daily Mail UK: “While the Labour leader appears to have attended a wreath laying ceremony at the grave of one of the Palestinian terrorists behind the 1972 Munich massacre.” How appropriate don’t you think so? Whose interest was this paper really serving? []
Any organisation that does NOT serve US interest is a TERRORIST organisation. Saddam Hussein was set up to counter the Ayatollah of Iran. When he grew too big for his boots, he was packed off! Nouri Kamil Mohammed Hasan al-Maliki, the first Shi’a prime minister was deposed because he did not comply with US policy. ISIS was initially set up to deal with Maliki. It was ONLY after 4 years that the world came to know about ISIS. By that time, ISIS had like Saddam Hussein, grown too big for its boots!
If you can’t understand this, let me bring it down to a lower scale. When deforestation takes place in Malaysia, where large tracks of forest are cleared of timber…just imaging such an operation, the equipment involved, and ONLY later is it made public…. who do you think is really involved? Your guess is good as mine. The same thing took place with the creation of Saddam Hussein and ISIS!
The latest spate with Qatar, is nothing but the same on-gong game of hypocrisy and double standards observed by the US. It supports despotic regimes such as Egypt and Saudi in return for loyalty and support for Israel. It is unfortunate that Arab countries have been reduced to such decadence. Call it SURVIVAL on their part but in truth it amounts to nothing but a sell-out of honour and dignity!

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