Saturday, November 18, 2017


At HKL VIP orthopaedic ward:

N: How's your shoulder?
A: The surgery was successful. 

N: Your neck?
A: Pain in the neck sometimes but tolerable.

N: I am ok but kadang2 kepala pusing.
A: I tau you kepala banyak pusing dalam. You know what I mean!

N: Ha, ha. You macam kita muda2 dulu.
A: Jib, kau memang tak guna buat I macam ni.

N: I have no control of the persecution.
A: What do you say "cash is king?"

N: You were one before!
A: It was paper loss.

N: Ask Madey stop pulling me down.
A: I am in Sg. Buluh.

N: How much?
A: Not anymore.

N: Berapa?
A: Kepala bapak kau.

N: You rot.
A: Don't be cock sure.

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