Friday, February 16, 2018


Fmr Israeli Knesset Member Says Zio Political Moguls in U.S. Demand Total Subservience to Israel!

Dr. Duke talked about an article written by former Israeli Knesset member Uri Avnery that described the corruption of Israeli politics and how Jewish domination of American politics has corrupted our system as well.

50-year-old article in the New York Review of Books written by a Jewish rabbi by the name of Arthur Hertzberg, who reviewed the book The French Enlightenment and the Jews, which tried to make the case that the French Enlightenment giant Voltaire was not an anti-semiteHertzberg disagreed, quoting Voltaire as saying “The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct, and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.”
He went on to quote Voltaire as saying about the Jews “They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.”

Top Malaysian zionist dares IS with RM 2.6bil fund. Get him.

(tukar tiub)
SHAH ALAM - Beberapa pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) mempersoalkan kemasukan beberapa diplomat Israel ke negara ini pada persidangan World Urban Forum (WUF) yang berlangsung dari 7 Februari dan berakhir kelmarin.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Aman Palestin, Awang Suffian Awang Piut berkata, kerajaan sepatutnya menolak sebarang hubungan dengan Israel dalam apa jua tujuan kerana antara Malaysia dan Israel sememangnya tiada hubungan diplomatik.

"Bagaimana kerajaan Malaysia boleh terima rombongan tersebut pada saat rakyat Malaysia sensitif dengan apa yang dilakukan Israel ke atas Palestin.

Mengapa pula Malaysia mesti akur dengan ketetapan PBB bila berdepan dengan Israel yang selalu engkar, degil serta keras kepala terhadap resolusi badan dunia itu?

Tidakkah Israel yang selalu engkar itu mesti diajar dengan sikap keengkaran  juga?

Kenapa Malaysia akhirnya tunduk dan membenarkan kehadiran diplomat Israel itu, di sebalik kita bersama rakyat Palestine dalam perjuangannya?

Apakah keengganan Malaysia untuk bersikap keras terhadap Israel kerana adanya nasihat daripada Apco?

(A Kadir Jasin)
… benteng pertahanan Malaysia pecah apabila ia menjadi tuan rumah persidangan UN Habitat dan dengan itu terpaksa tunduk kepada tekanan Israel dalam rangka perjanjian PBB.
Menurut The Jerusalem Post lagi, inilah kali pertama dalam masa 53 tahun seorang diplomat Israel berjaya melawat Malaysia. Kali terakhir ialah pada tahun 1965…

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